Norman W Holden

About Norman W Holden

A twelfth generation American, Norman W. Holden, AKA “Norm,” was born and raised in the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire. Growing up with the engrained understanding that freedom is not free and surrounded by our early colonial history, Norm was taught from an early age to respect and honor our country, our flag, and our closely held traditions. Getting his start at a very young age in the concrete construction industry, Norm started out as laborer and through hard work and perseverance, became a highly effective executive leader in the concrete industry. He blends common sense, confidence, and earned grit from his years in the construction industry in his writing to bring the reader vivid and inspiring stories. Norman is an active executive leader, independent author and publisher, and is the founder of NWH Holdings, LLC. Norm has an MBA from the University of Denver-Daniels College of Business. Norm is the author of Do Better!, The Lucky Seven, and For Love of Country.


  • Common Sense
  • America
  • Republic