Matt Clum

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Matt Clum Offers Unique, and Often Challenging, Christ-Centered Perspectives on Faith, Relationships, and Community Building for Your Podcast.

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About Matt Clum

Hey there, I’m Matt. Since 2007, I’ve dedicated myself to various ministries, traveling the globe to places like Australia, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Zambia. My journey has included working on staff with several churches and non-profits, and recently I launched Clum Consulting, where we focus on helping ministries and nonprofits thrive.

My travels have given me a wealth of experiences and stories, shaping my unique perspectives on life, faith, and culture. My goal is to challenge conventional thinking and inspire thoughtful conversations. I hold some unconventional views on topics like love, sex, relationships, and homosexuality, all rooted in a Christ-centered approach. For instance, I don’t believe anyone can be gay... you heard that right. Let’s save that for our conversation.

I’m all about genuine conversation and connecting through relatable stories. My passion for ministry and helping others drives everything I do. When I join your podcast, I aim to be more than just a guest—I want to leave a lasting, positive impact on your listeners.

I bring a global perspective and a deep commitment to faith and ministry, offering fresh insights that can resonate with a wide audience. Whether it’s talking about relationships, leadership, faith-based projects, or building strong communities, I have plenty of valuable experiences to share. Looking forward to connecting with you.


  • Religion
  • Relationship
  • Love