Michael P Romano

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I'm a Sobriety & Life Coach/Entrepreneur all about living a Positive, Sober lifestyle and spreading awareness for Addiction & Alcoholism Recovery.

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About Michael P Romano

I am a Recovering Addict who was heavily Addicted to Heroin, Alcohol, and many other drugs on a daily basis for over 20 years. Homeless off & on for10 years. In n out of jails, prisons, rehabs. Finally about 3 1/2 yrs ago I had enough. Was broken in every aspect of my life. I was an absolute mess. By the grace of God, some amazing ppl, & a very spiritual experience I was rocketed into Recovery with a new mindset & will to Live. Since going to detox, rehab, halfway house I have met & fell in love with my soulmate Veronica. I got certified as an Addiction Recovery Coach. Trained in NLP. Have started an Inspirational Sobriety Apparel Brand called Let's Get It Tshirts as well as started Let's Get It Recovery Coaching which is now SoberSuccess Coaching which is my version of Coaching which focuses on discipline, faith, n growth in all aspects of life. Through Social media ive built a community and been able to connect, coach, and help many people which has become my Passion. I also started n host with my girlfriend the SoberSuccess Podcast on All platforms to spread awareness n education on Addiction, Alcoholism, and Sobriety. Recently from the profits of our businesses me n my girl have started a community outreach where we bring the homeless n less fortunate meals, gloves, hats, socks, etc. Also give info on treatment n such. My goal is to continue to grow, become the best version of myself and help as many people I can along the way. I am also very active on social media(TikTok, Facebook, Instagram,YouTube, etc.) posting Inspirational content & videos on a Daily basis. Our YouTube channel is: Mikeybuns SoberSuccess


  • Sober coach
  • Life coach
  • Addiction to alcohol