Heidi Sue Roth

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Getting help for chronic pain is HARD! I'm here to change the paradigm by providing easy, accessible connection, tools, and education!

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About Heidi Sue Roth

My pain journey started at age 3. I grew up thinking everyone feels this way and you just live through it. For many years I pushed through pain, crashed, took long rests, and did it again. I had no idea that I was making my situation more difficult.

As an adult I experienced how abusive relationships contribute to pain. Despite seeing doctors and therapists, no one connected my pain experience to the stress and fear of abuse. Even after getting out of the relationship, pain reduced my capacity in such a gradual way I didn't notice. Looking for relief, I changed professions, locations and my lifestyle. Pain didn't respond. I still hurt every day. Some days I hurt so much I wondered why I continued living.

In 2012, major surgery pushed my pain levels so high I had to quit my job, cut back on all my activities, and limit time with friends. The circle of my life became small and devastatingly limited. Six months after surgery the surgeon said I was fine. My primary care doctor insisted it was my weight. No one seemed to care that I would pass out when standing up.

Fortunately, my stubbornness kicked in. And I looked for experts, research, conferences, and anything I could find. I was willing to dig in and through the information. It was a lot of work, but I found it! I learned the most current information for dealing with chronic pain. My life improved. I still work to learn the latest information about pain!

Coaching utilizes years of teaching experience so I can share what I learned with others.

And I offer the information in a way that avoids limitations of money, location, and health care gatekeepers. That paradigm doesn't work!

Chronic pain people need support. It's time for a new paradigm that makes support possible!


  • chronic pain
  • women
  • pain relief