Hugh McTavish

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Ph.D. Immunologist, attorney, liberal, author of COVID Lockdown Insanity: The Depression and Suicides It Caused, and What It Shows We Could Do Now to Address Real Crises

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About Hugh McTavish

Dr. Hugh McTavish is a Ph.D. biochemist and immunologist and a patent attorney. He is the founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit COVID Sanity, whose mission is to provide policy makers and the public with scientific and factual information on the benefits and harms of current and potential policy responses and individual responses to COVID-19 and educate the public with scientifically accurate information on individual risk from COVID-19 so persons can make informed decisions about their risk from COVID-19 and if and how to modify their behavior. He has authored 18 refereed scientific journal articles and is the inventor on 21 U.S. patents and has authored two prior books on public policy and nature. He has started two pharmaceutical companies off of his own inventions – IGF Oncology, LLC, for a targeted drug for cancer and Squarex, LLC, for a treatment that prevents cold sores or oral herpes virus outbreaks. He invented the cancer drug after being a cancer patient and invented the cold sore drug to treat his own frequent cold sores and originally tested it on himself.
Dr. McTavish is also a liberal and a Democrat, which supposedly means he should support lockdowns. In reality he concludes and can document that the lockdowns caused vastly more lost time of life than they saved and caused more deaths than they prevented. His numbers show the lockdowns were a far bigger public policy disaster than even the Vietnam War. He is happy to talk about the "Big Lies," of the lockdowns, whether Anthony Fauci committed medical malpractice in promoting the lockdown response, and how surprised he was about what this response to COVID seems to show about Americans.


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