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Bold, system-disrupting challenger of all things female

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About Kristen

Kristen Lena has been called many things in her life. Mild-mannered, conventional and timid have never been on the list.

She has been described as a system-disrupting, rule-breaking, bad-ass empowerer of women by those who know her. She has spent the last 25 years coaching, leading and facilitating courses, workshops and retreats designed to teach women how to communicate with authenticity, love and power.

Kristen's journey began with an innate ability to identify unspoken patterns in communication and “hear” the things that weren’t being said. She pursued a degree in Speech Communication in college and then dove feet first into personal development, honing her skillz and then teaching them to other women.

In her pursuit to bring empowered communication frameworks to more women, Kristen founded her coaching and consulting company, specializing in personal transformation and self-empowerment through radically honest, responsible and loving conversations.

Kristen is whole-heartedly committed to REDEFINING what it means to “fight like a girl” when it comes to gurl-on-gurl communication. Cattiness, backstabbing, gossip, manipulation and passive-aggressiveness do not exist in Kristen’s presence. She makes sure of it!

She believes that when women come together, they can truly change the world. Which is why she is such a stand that women learn to deal with conflict powerfully and responsibly. Kristen created and designed GURLTALK™, a powerful communication framework to teach confrontation-phobic women how to work through issues with other women without losing your sh!t.

“Let’s transform what it means to ‘fight like a girl’ and commit to empower and uplift each other along the way.”


  • Empowerment
  • Communication
  • Female entrepreneurs