Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman

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The intersection between marriage and business, and where does God come into the picture?

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About Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman

Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman has created The CALM Method™ – a unique breakthrough method that completely integrates God into every aspect of your life to totally transform your marriage and business into the life you always wanted, one that is loving, fulfilling, where you feel aligned and connected.
The unique method and systems are simple, practical and will achieve fast and long lasting results.

She is married to a Rabbi and lives in Israel with her seven (almost eight) kids. Her mission is to show other women it is possible to have a thriving family life filled with love and support while also growing a successful business that serves the world in a huge way.


  • Marriage
  • Judaism
  • Women in business