Mindy Strich

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What if the worst thing that happened to you is also the best thing too?!

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About Mindy Strich

What if the worst thing that ever happened to you turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to you?

It was never my intention to become an energetic healer. But the crises and challenges in my own life turned out to be the starting point of a fascinating journey of healing.

At 24, chronic episodes of extreme low blood pressure, shortness of breath and dizziness often left me confined to my bed for days, sometimes weeks at a time.

Medical specialists of all kinds probed, tested, scanned, and prescribed but ultimately failed to successfully diagnose or treat my condition.

On my 25th birthday, a year after the onset on my illness, my mother died. Worst experience # 1.

Twenty six years later, I experienced the worst episode in my life and was admitted to the hospital. When all the tests came back negative I decided to take an alternative route. Taking a leap of faith I enrolled in two year a program to learn about energy healing. I could never have imagined how transformational that decision would be.

Two weeks after I the course began, my husband, the man I believed I was going to spend “my happily ever after with” came home and told me what I had feared; as much as he tried to repress and deny it, he was gay. Worst thing that ever happened to me #2.

At that moment my entire life shattered into a million little pieces. I was overwhelmed with fear, anger, betrayal and mostly deep deep sadness… and now had to face an uncertain future alone.

What I learned over the next two years not only helped me heal from the emotional pain of the end of my marriage, It also gave me what conventional medicine could not – answers to the root cause of my physical illness. The physical symptoms that began when my mother died and continued throughout the end of my marriage were undeniably connected.

Our emotional anatomy is as real as our physical anatomy.
Over 90% of illness is believed to be rooted in emotional and psychological issues.
All of which is stored in our energy field.
Left unhealed eventually it will show up in your life.

In less than two years I went from believing my life was over to knowing my life had only just begun. To date, the physical issues that inhibited me have not returned. What happens in our bodies begin with our energy. To heal your body you have to go beyond the physical, you have to understand your energy.


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