Dean DiNardi

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Unleash Your Potential and Empower the Life You Desrie

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About Dean DiNardi

I am an author, personal development/success strategiest. My background is Theater, Psychology (Hunamn Behavior) & Metaphysics. I am also and entreprenuer and trainer/coach. I help people to discover and unleash their true sense of self and their personal power to live the life they desire. A self-lead life by them for them at their core. I have writen a book, The Theatrics of Success - Unleash Your Hero's Potential. It uses the theater as its foundation to structure Mindfulness, Self-Empowerment, Self-Leadership and Create a life based on your core truths. Evaluating the Scripts of your life and they ways you Act them out, Direct them and end up Producing the performance of your life.
Write with Passion the script from your true self, Act with Autheticity in ways that represent who you truely are, Direct through Effeciency your life course toward your goals and Produce through Self-Leadership the Production of your lifetime - Your Life.


  • Personal development
  • A Better Life
  • Achievement