Debbie Elicksen

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Debbie Elicksen is a publicist, writer, and journalist who spent most of her adult life living in a locker room.

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About Debbie Elicksen

Debbie gumshoed her way into becoming a paid professional writer and publisher. Told women couldn’t work in sports, she spent 20+ years in the National Hockey League, 20 years in Canadian football, was public relations director for a California Angels farm team, was the first woman to headman a football conference in Canada, and was inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame.

She was the go-to-person to get a book published and worked on over 150 books for self-published authors and traditional publishers. She has written and published 17 books of her own. Debbie is a pioneer in the livestream interview format and is the current producer and host of Locker Room for Growth.


  • Women in Sports Media and Administration
  • Bootstrapping Your Business
  • Networking in the Digital World