Dean Shouldice Brown

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Spiritually Driven Professional Dads; I solve the problem of what your parents, the system, and society taught you driving you to the brink of self-destruction!

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About Dean Shouldice Brown

As a father of 5, I empower professional dads to face their suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, self-denial, and self-sabotage so they can embrace life without guilt, anger, fear or hate and manifest their Highest vision of peace, love & profit with their family & in their business.

My Culture is; Ask, Believe, & Receive to Achieve!

My tribe is; Spiritually Driven Professional Dads!

I use my harsh real-life experiences, my various affiliate marketing platforms, and my high-performance group coaching mastermind, along with all of the lessons I have learned, to facilitate professional dads to develop a high-performance Holistic mindset, that creates a seven-plus figure multi-stream business unique to them.

I solve the problem of having what your parents, the system, and society taught you, that you know is NOT right for you, drive you to the brink of self-destruction from frustration, fear, and doubt from judgement and punishment!


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