Nicholas Stein

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Nat Geo TV producer embeds with cops at US/MX border. His hit series Border Wars leads to his severe burnout, which leads to his hard won mindfulness practice; a story of redemption.

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About Nicholas Stein


What do you do after four years of living as an adrenaline-addicted non-fiction TV
producer while deeply embedded with law enforcement at the US/MX border? What do you do
after chronicling hundreds of stories of intense human suffering? What do you when your career
blows up as collateral damage of a corporate take-over while on the brink of losing your 25-year
marriage… and your mind? First, you hit rock bottom.

Then, if you’re Nicholas Stein, you turn to meditation and mindfulness, diving in so deeply that
you become proficient, eventually teaching mindfulness, meditation and resiliency to high-tech
entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and law enforcement personnel. And after that? You write the
ideal book on the topic for beginners and veterans alike; a book born of suffering about a time-tested
process for the mitigation of suffering.

Now he's written a book about it called Mindfulness as a Second Language: A No-Nonsense Guidebook for Creating a Lasting, Fulfilling Meditation Practice, now available on Amazon!


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