Amy Conrad M.D.

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Child-Centered Pediatrician, Mom, Entrepreneur - Paving the way for a natural, practical path for parents to raise healthy and happy kids

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About Amy Conrad M.D.

Dr. Amy Conrad is reframing how we view parenting by shifting the perspective away from the cluttered noise of society's expectations, and focusing on what kids really need. She is a board certified pediatrician, the founder of Kinder Digital Pediatric Clinic (the first direct-to-family pediatric service), and host of "Ask Doctor Amy" on multiple platforms (Youtube, Podcast, and Instagram).

Dr. Amy's practice and philosophy have 4 core components:
- Child centered approach: peeling back the layers of societal and parental expectations to reveal what's best for the child
- Empowering parents: belief that parents know their kids best, and supporting them in finding what's best for their own family
- Family based: valuing the mental health each family member to maximize connection
- Integrative: focusing on nutrition, lifestyle habits, mentality, etc. Combining evidence based science with a natural approach to health.

Signature topics to discuss:
- How to raise healthy and happy kids
- What modern parents need
- How to achieve kid-centric decision making
- Compare parenting across cultures
- Having kids as a working mom
- Age based diet and nutrition tips
- Pediatric mental health, ADHD
- Parental mental health
- How to build a better health system for families


  • Parenting
  • Motherhood Childhood
  • Healthy kids