Mo Fanning

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The go to author for dark romantic comedies with gay characters who do so much more than just fuck

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About Mo Fanning

Mo Fanning is a UK-based novelist who specialises in dark romantic comedies that captivate and entertain. With a knack for blending dark comedy with easy to love character, his books appeal to fans of Marian Keyes, Taylor Jenkins Reid and Sophie Kinsella.

In real life, he's a seasoned communications director, able to talk for hours about any given subject with minimal prep, and brings a nuanced understanding of narrative that extends beyond the page, making him an engaging conversationalist on topics from AI in writing, marketing your work and .... a love for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Whether it's exploring the breakdown of community or the complexities of love, Mo's work resonates with readers and listeners alike, offering a fresh take on age-old themes."


  • Author
  • LGBT
  • Comedy