Emily Hess

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Horror Film Reviewer • Witch • Lupus Warrior • Mom

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About Emily Hess

Background Information
I'm a 29-year old who often gets called an "old soul". I'm the co-host a Silver Scream Queens, and I work full-time in marketing. I'm a causal witch, and a mother to a two-year-old. I live with lupus giving me insight into the chronically chill community and a unique vantage point on living on the border between two realms.

Topics I Can Discuss:
Horror Movies
Feminism in Film
The Horror genre at large
Modern Witchcraft
Chronic Illness
Progressive Parenting

10 Interview Questions You Can Ask Me
1. What makes a good horror movie?
2. Does having a chronic illness shape how you view horror?
3. How does being a witch fit into the media's portrayal of witchcraft?
4. Is the bechdel test a valid metric to rate film?
5. Can you enjoy "campy" horror movies just as much as the classics?
6. What are the implications of using sexual assault as a plot point in mainstream film?
7. When are you going to let your kid watch horror movies?
8. What has been your favorite interaction with a horror icon?
9. What are your top 5 horror movies?
10. What are the implications of using mental illness as a plot point in mainstream film?

Previous Podcast and Media Appearances:
I was a child actor, so I have a few small appearances in films including "Hide and Seek" and "Mona Lisa Smile" as well as a slew of Law and Order episodes. Recently I was a co-host of "Lights Out Frights Out" and I am a current co-host of "Silver Scream Queens".
I've been a guest on the Leo B. Gyllenhaal Podcast, Talking Junk and have some fun new appearances in the works!

How I'll Promote Podcasts I'm On
Cross promotion on Silver Scream Queens (podcast) and all related social media/websites.


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