Cody Cargill

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I’m a disabled veteran that had seizures for 16 years until my 5 brain surgeries this year that God has used to minister to people from all over

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About Cody Cargill

I'm medically retired from the Air Force and This year i have went through 5 rare brain surgeries to try and stop my nocturnal grand mal seizures that the
VA wasn't able to control with medication. I had a Stereo EEG in April that required 24 electrodes implanted deep into my brain so that they could narrow down where my seizures were originating from to a millimeter. Then I just had my final two surgeries in July. I Had the brain mapping done on July 11th and it's the one that I almost died from in the ICU. The pain was out of this world and then they couldn't stop me from vomiting extremely bad.
Every time that I was vomiting, My Brain was pumping blood into a medical device that was connected to the brain mapping device that was connected to the tubing and wires.
Then on the 15th they did a resection on my left parietal lobe and an RNS brain chip implant. On that surgery the ICU team was prepared more for me than the one on the 11th. Long story short it has been 16 years of a rare type of seizures and had some rare type of procedures these last 4 months.

The epilepsy support group that my wife and I are in, is global and l've had people DM me from the UK,
Switzerland and other areas to tell me how my story has helped them get over their fears and anxiety about either themselves having Brain surgery, relatives or even their children. My whole goal is to show people around the world how if we truly seek God with everything that is in us, then he will give us indescribable peace.
Everytime that I was on the operating table, the surgical team was always amazed that I wasn't in any fear but would joke around with them and let them know just how much of a blessing they all were to me.
I ran across your show and wanted to see if you would like me to be on your podcast and allow your listeners to hear about the power of God and the peace that we can walk in even when our life is on the line


  • Christianity
  • Faith
  • Healing