Renee Skolnick

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From the Caucus to Cocaine-My Quest for Unconditional Happiness

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About Renee Skolnick

My life has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, shaped by my origins in the Bronx, New York, and later immersion in the dynamic San Francisco Bay Area. Before joining forces with US Senator Dianne Feinstein, I devoted a decade to fundraising for the Democratic Party.
My unpublished memoir, "From the Caucus to Cocaine," takes readers on a gripping journey through the profound impact of life's choices amidst tribulations. Emerging from childhood adversity, my quest to understand life's complexities led to an esteemed role as Assistant to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. Disillusioned with San Francisco's societal norms, I impulsively journeyed to Thailand, where six years later, I struggled to secure employment and inadvertently became entangled in the perilous world of drug dealing. Shadowed by law enforcement, I executed a daring escape from Thailand, marking a defining chapter that underscored my resilience and unwavering pursuit of happiness amid immense challenges.
Returning to the States penniless, I endured a taxing four months with my narcissistic father and ailing stepmother, an experience akin to a slow, painful death. However, within this crucible emerged a transformative journey of embracing unconditional love for my father and employing tools
to combat his abuse, intricately woven into my relentless quest for enduring happiness against all odds.
Today, on the brink of a new chapter, I embrace the role of a dedicated life coach. My mission is to empower individuals on their unique paths towards personal growth and fulfillment. Through unwavering guidance and steadfast support, I aspire to assist others in unveiling their innate potential and navigating their journey to happiness and self-realization.


  • Memoir
  • Politics
  • Self-improvement