Aquayemi-Claude Garnett Akinsanya

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Student, Youth Delegate, Entrepreneur, Young Leader, Author, CEO, Founder and Philanthropist

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About Aquayemi-Claude Garnett Akinsanya

We only Live Once Let's Take Life By The Horns." 

London Central


Reform Education System | #TheClaudesSENLaw

Twitter: @Iam_Claude25

Instagram: @a_claude_2020



Aquayemi-Claude from: London, Richmond  Upon Thames, England,  United Kingdom.  I am a 24 year old, "Student, Author,  Activist in Reducing Inequality, Inclusion Rights and Quality Of Education. Also a Youth Delegate, Young  Leader, Young Truestee, Entrepreneur, CEO, Founder, Keynote Public Speaker and Philanthropist.  Who is looking forward to networking with you all."

Who created and founded a Non Profit Clothing Business: GCBR and TCSL Campaign, "Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range and The Claudes SEN Law Campaign .


  • Neurodiversity
  • MentalHealth
  • Education