Ashley Levinson - PCOSgurl

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24 year multi-award winning PCOS Educator and Advocate

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About Ashley Levinson - PCOSgurl

24 year Multi-award winning pcos patient educator and advocate with following on #instagram #twitter #facebook

Spotify podcast: The PCOSgurl's podcast

YouTube Channel: @heart4pcos

Social Media: @pcosgurl

Ashley Levinson is a retired orthopedic scrub nurse that has served as a PCOS, Infertility and women's health advocate for over 24 years, to bring more awareness to the often dismissed and misunderstood syndrome known as PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. Her advocacy includes online campaigns #lemonfacechallenge for PCOS and #Heart4PCOS.

Often thought of as simply a reproductive condition, Ashley is helping redefine PCOS, its diagnosis, treatment and basis understanding by providers, patients and the public through online campaigns like #heart4pcos.

Ashley has served as a PCOS Program coordinator for Drexel PCOS Center and volunteer, executive director and advisor to many PCOS, Chronic Illness and Women's Health Organizations. She has and continues to advance awareness through social media campaigns, articles, podcasts and blog posts and has made multiple appearances with media outlets, networks, magazinez, rafio and on television including Discovery Health's Mystery Diagnosis to advance education about the syndrome.

Recently, Ashley who is a patient advisoey noard member for PCOSC, joined PCOS Challenge in Washington DC for her 7th consecutive year to lobby for legislation to bring more funding and awareness to PCOS.

Ashley has served as a moderator for numerous pcos and health educational forums and conferences, has served as a panelist with NIH for their workshop PCOS Across the lifespan, served as a reviewer of the 2018 and 2023 PCOS International Guidelines, was a speaker on the economic burden and status of PCOS for UN Women's Council and has been a voice in research, CEU/CME education design.

Ashley's awards and recognitions include:

WEGO Health's best 8n show of twitter 2018

Ricardo Azziz PCOSC Advocacy Award 2016 & 2021

PCOS Challenge Lifetime Achievement Award 2022


  • Health
  • Women's health
  • Health education