Richard Manfredi

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Fun and knowledgeable guest ready to debate any topic with you

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About Richard Manfredi

Richard Manfredi is one of the co-hosts of the Mt. Rushmore Podcast, which debates and deliberates on what belongs on the Mt. Rushmore of any given topic. One week might be the Mt. Rushmore of Horses while the next week might be the Mt. Rushmore of Musicians' Famous Articles of Clothing. Richard is knowledgeable about a variety of topics and can help you decide what belong on the Mt. Rushmore of YOUR topic - or just have a fun debate.

A particular area of interest to Richard is sports. He is a former sportswriter and blogger who was also a contestant - and winner - on "Sports Jeopardy." Richard also has an intriguing personal story to tell - he had a heart attack at age 38 and had to deal with the physical and psychological effects of that.


  • comedy
  • sports
  • music