Sy Alli

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Decorated USAF Veteran and Global Protection Agent who is a Suicide Attempt Survivor. Now an Ordained Chaplain who is committed to helping others deal with PTSD and Depression.

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About Sy Alli

Sy Alli has always been a protector. As the man who built the first Corporate Security program in the Cannabis industry and protected former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, he didn’t fall into this role on accident. In the private sector, he traveled the world providing personal protection for top U.S. diplomats, Fortune 500 CEO’s, Foreign Ministers and Middle East Royal family members among many others. But it wasn’t until 2020 when Sy took on his most important protector role: The Spiritual Protector. He became an Ordained Minister and Chaplain to connect directly with those in need of the most protection, from their own battles with suicide, depression, and PTSD -- a fight Chaplain Sy is all too familiar with himself.
Through spirituality, submission to a higher power, and working on his body and mental spirit, Sy has pulled himself out of the darkest period of his life. Now, he wants to share his story to help those who find themselves in a similar place. He is now known as the Chiseled Chaplain: a ripped spiritual mouthpiece willing to talk about mental health and wellness in ways most others shy away from. Not only is he opening the door for hard conversations about mental health, but he is also opening the door for other historically taboo subjects as well. Sy is currently a Chaplain at Northwest Medical Specialties in the Seattle/Tacoma area, providing spiritual comfort for patients and staff members.
Sy brings with him a degree in Criminal Justice from The Air Force Community College and a Bachelor of Religious Studies from Universal Life Church Seminary. He is an Honors Graduate of 17th Air Force Noncommissioned Officer Leadership School in Wiesbaden Germany. He has served as a Board member of Pittsburgh, ASIS International (ASIS) and was a member of The State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC). Mr. Alli was named Who’s Who in Energy for 2013-2014 from the American Business Journal Publications for his security advisory role in the Oil & Gas industry. Sy is a man who has perceivably lived many different lives, but it’s through each of his distinct roles that he feels the most ready to take on his newest chapter as The Spiritual Protector.


  • Fit Chaplain
  • PTSD Survivor
  • Former Professional Wrestler