Kyra Howearth

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Discover how to manifest your goals using the power of the moon cycle with Kyra Howearth. Spiritual teacher, author, business mentor & manifesting queen, Kyra makes manifesting dreams EASY!

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About Kyra Howearth

Hey, I'm Kyra, the host of the Moon Manifesting Podcast. I love to talk about all things to do with the moon, astrology, tarot, manifesting, and spirituality.

I help women transform their lives, using the moon as their guide. My passion for moon manifesting began with a simple new moon ritual back in 2016. At the time I had 3 young children, and I craved time to follow my OWN passions. After putting the kids to bed, I created a sacred space for myself to set some new moon intentions...and transformed my life.

Since then, my life has blossomed as I've discovered that we ALL have the power to make huge transformations in our lives. I've manifested new cars, money, business opportunities, but above all I've manifested CONFIDENCE to show up as my authentic self & to share my light with the world.

Now, my mission is to help others manifest positive changes in their life, too.


  • manifesting
  • astrology
  • spirituality